Monday, January 21, 2013

Meet the Creature

Hello, internet! I suppose that this is where I introduce myself. I'll try to repress the awkwardness here but let's be honest, that's not going to happen. I'll start with the facts:
  1. My name is Noelle
  2. I'm a graduate student in Mississippi (my home state) and...
  3. You're probably already bored
Well, if you've made it this far, I grant you my undying gratitude...and my first born. I prefer to take in information that is clearly organized so I'm going to break the rest down into sub-sections of equal caliber to the post thus far. You can hardly wait; I know.

Why the Title
My favorite 'name' for God is Creator. And my favorite way to imagine myself is as a creation. However, as humans we are often tethered to our 'creature' side. We hunger, we lust, we envy, we fear. The 'creature' keeps our bodies alive; the 'creation' seeks the divine. (The basis of all this comes from a book titled Christian Doctrine by Shirley C. Guthrie. I haven't finished reading it, but I highly recommend it.) I'm not suggesting that everything is one or the other. Or that God doesn't want us to answer the call of our growling stomachs.  Instead, I want to talk about the in-between. That space in which I find myself most often. Yes, answer the hunger. No, don't eat an entire box of snack cakes. (This may or may not have happened before.) As a creature/creation, I strive to overcome my harmful creature instincts so that I can better glorify and thank my Creator. Along with all that, I also consider myself a fairly creative spirit. I write poetry and make up songs and have done so for most of my life. Music is always playing in my head. And so, here we are. I'm not naturally predisposed toward divulgence so I'm funneling my creative tendencies into this blog.

The Goal of This Blog
Honestly, there isn't one. I don't know a lot, but experience has taught me that sharing our stories helps us learn as much about ourselves as it does others. I'm certain I'll get something out of this. Perspective, hopefully. If you gain something as well, then I'll consider it a great blessing of which I have no ownership. Here's what I can promise: 
  • This blog will never be used in the spirit of passive-aggression, hatred, or humiliation nor will it have patience for those who seek to espouse such vitriol.
  • Honesty is job #1. With that in mind, dear reader, please allow me the grace of the occasional misstep. I do not claim to speak for anyone else besides myself. I will be as tactful as I can be. Please, keep me in check if I go astray, but let's all agree to follow the Golden Rule.
  • I will attempt to make you laugh at least once a week. I can't promise you'll actually laugh, but I can at least promise to try, right?

The Set-Up
To the left is a little about me. To the right are a few sites I go to daily. I'll post more as I find more. I don't foresee myself taking part in any sort of recurring theme days like "Movie Quote Mondays" or "Things That Make You Wish It Was Friday Thursdays," but I am totally open to wherever this thing goes. I'm also open to suggestions so if you want to know my thoughts on something, ask away! Reader Beware: You may release a mental Kraken, but fear not, it's a friendly Kraken.

And that's pretty much all there is to know! I will make every effort to post as often as I can. I am excited about the possibilities of this project and I look forward to sharing in some conversations with you all. Until next time, my friends!

Be kind to each creature,